Olive Flower Essence

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From $28.15 / unit(s)
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Description: Potentised and ready for immediate use dosage bottle of the original Bach Olive Flower Essence.

Indications:  Olive “Those who have suffered much mentally or physically and are so exhausted and weary that they feel they have no more strength to make any effort. Daily life is hard work for them, without pleasure.” – Dr. Edward Bach

Keyword: Lack of energy, fatigue, convalescence
Human indication:  When you are exhausted with no reserves of strength or energy.
Animal/pet indication:  Exhaustion, fatigue due to overwork: for working animals or those involved in racing, competitive events or shows.

Recommended dose:   Four Drops to be taken every four hours away from food and beverage.

This Bach Flower Essence for those who have relied only on their physical energies rather than drawing strength from higher sources - and have become severely out of balance energetically.

As a result, they feel completely "done in." The exhaustion occurs at the physical, emotional, and psychological levels, so that the smallest task becomes an insurmountable hurdle.

The negative Olive state may come as a result of a long period of great strain - a long physical illness, a period of taking on more work than one can reasonably be expected to handle, or the stain of providing long-term nursing and care to a family member.

When in this state, an individual simply wants to be left alone to sleep, or merely sit. Often, the person will be so exhausted that they do become physically ill.

The Olive flower remedy brings peace, regeneration, and restored balance. Using this Bach Flower Essence allows one to once again reach to higher energy sources - those of the Universe.

The Olive personality has a little trouble with this, as they feel self contained and able to handle things on their own. However, once in the positive Olive state, these individuals are able to recognize their bodies' early warning signals and are able to give themselves over to their inner guidance.

In the positive Olive state, these individuals appear to have inexhaustible resources, and are able to cope with extreme stress while remaining balanced and even joyful.

Because the negative Olive state marks a disturbed energy flow throughout the entire system, physical ailments are common. A medical check up is often called for when the negative Olive state is extreme. This blocked energy flow can result in reduced kidney function, reduced oxygen flow, and internal toxicity.

Because this Bach Flower Remedy strengthens both body and soul, it is extremely helpful in recovery from debilitating physical ailments, including recovery from alcoholism.

After treatment, the individual using the Olive Flower Essence will once again recognize and honor the needs of his or her body.

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