Vervain Flower Essence 50ml

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$15.35 / unit(s)
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Description: Potentised and ready for immediate use dosage bottle of the original Vervain Bach Flower Essence.

Indications:  Vervain

“Those with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right, and which they very rarely change. They have a great wish to convert all around them to their own views of life. They are strong of will and have much courage when they are convinced of those things that they wish to teach. In illness they struggle on long after many would have given up their duties.” – Dr. Edward Bach

Keywords: Over-enthusiasm, hyper-active, fanatical, highly strung
Human indication:  For people who are strong-willed and highly strung with minds that race ahead of events.
Animal/pet indication:  Enthusiastic, always want to be involved, high strung.

Recommended dose:   Four Drops to be taken every four hours away from food and beverage.

The person in need of this Bach Flower Remedy is so passionate about an idea that he will exhaust his own resources in its pursuit.

When the inner flame of a good idea, a cause, or an injustice to be corrected is ignited in a Vervian personality, he cannot rest until all those around him are in agreement, working toward his ultimate objective. Vervian types are revolutionaries at heart and radiate their energy - they are preachers who try to win everyone to their mission.

Never resting, always tense and keyed up, those in the negative state cannot relax even if they want to. They "get by" on a minimum of sleep, believing that their cause is more important than caring for their own bodies. Their movements are quick and their speech rapid.

This is the person who pushes so hard that he sometimes creates a result that is opposite from his desire - turning people away from his cause and becoming labeled a "fanatic," or even a "kook." And indeed, some in the negative Vervain state do take it to extremes.

They are willing to suffer great inconveniences, be arrested, or even destroy themselves to get their point across. You've read of people who tie themselves to a tree in the forest, lay in front of an approaching bulldozer, or pour gas on themselves before lighting a match.

In the negative Vervian state, a person ignores his own body's warning signals, pushing on in exhaustion until illness overtakes.

Once restored to his positive state through Bach Flower Remedies, the Vervain personality will still be involved and dedicated to his task, but will be able to use his energy wisely. He'll be able to consider other's ideas and points of view and will alter his own if the argument is convincing.

He will be able to do what he could not do in the negative state - to inspire others and gain their support for his mission.

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