Customer ratings for Toniplex

From $19.72 / bottle(s)

A nerve tonic and body tissue builder, recommended for nervous tension, anxiety, loss of appetite, muscular pains and more.


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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 4.7
So much in one tablet
from Jewels on 29/08/2023
Very bio available and all tissue salts in one place
from Kerry Sutherland on 3/05/2022
The B vitamins do not have too strong a taste but still work well at increasing mental clarity and a general feeling of well-being.
very good
from suzanne on 5/11/2021
I just started taking it but it seems to be having a good effect and gives me energy. I will keep taking it. I take two a day along with another B3 vitamin That seems to work well
from suzanne on 20/07/2021
These tablets I gave to my son to help with energy but I have to remind him nearly every day to take them He is not used to regular vitamins use and I have told him if he takes them every day he will know better when he stops them if they helped. He has a bit to go yet before finishing them I will ask him again later
from Cindy Swift on 5/11/2020
Thank you Jizella for your promptness & care !
Have been using Toniplex for 20yrs✔️
Excellent product 10/10
from Anonymous on 12/03/2018
When I am not taking Toniplex I feel more anxious and stressed, my age is 51 years and I think I am a bit perimenopausal so taking Toniplex and Women's corrective tablets help me immensely.