Please note that, according to our professional standards of care, we must ensure that our practitioners' only products are safe and suitable for the intended outcome. Therefore we require the submission of a Risk Assesment Form (access HERE ) prior to the supply of herbal extracts. If you are unable or unwilling to reveal personal information, please contact the pharmacy for a chat with a practitioner and an alternative solution.
Description: Traditional Fluid Extract of the dried root of Butchers Broom, Ruscus aculeatus, in 45% ethanol and purified water.
History and Cultural Significance: Ruscus aculeatus is a bushy shrub, native to Southern Europe. The common name “butcher’s broom” came from Europe, where butchers would bundle the shrub into a broom to sweep and cleanse their cutting blocks, due to the stiffness of the material.3 (It was later discovered that the essential oil in the plant is antibacterial.) Europeans have been using the shrub as a laxative and diuretic for almost 2,000 years. In the first century CE, Greek physicians used butcher’s broom to treat kidney stones. In the 17th century, the English herbalist Nicholas Culpepper used butcher’s broom to help the healing of fractured bones. He recommended that patients take a decoction of the root (made by boiling the plant’s woody parts) orally along with spreading a poultice of the berries over the fracture.
Active Compounds: The root of butcher’s broom contains ruscogenen and neoruscogenin, which have been found to have anti-inflammatory characteristics and to cause contraction of veins. These properties have led to the modern uses of the plant as supportive care for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), hemorrhoids, and varicose veins and even for the prevention of diabetic retinopathy.
Medicinal Use: The German Commission E approved the use of butcher’s broom rhizome extract for discomforts of CVI, such as pain and heaviness, as well as for related cramps in the legs, itching, and swelling, and for supportive therapy for complaints of hemorrhoids, such as itching and burning. Recommended Dose: One mil (20 drops) by measure, three times a day.
Studies have shown that topical application of butcher's broom extract reduces swelling and inflammation of varicose veins. The extract may be taken orally or applied topically, as a single ingredient or blended with other herbal extracts with similar effects, such as horse chestnut and witch hazel.
For detailed evidence based information and complete list of references for the above information, please click here.
Warning: Herbal extracts may interact with other therapeutic substances, or be contraindicated in certain conditions, and as a general rule are not recommended for use by children, in pregnancy and lactation, or if you are on certain prescription medications.If wondering if any of our herbal products may be of benefit to you, please complete and submit this form and get in touch by phone or email.
Disclaimer: The statements provided on this website are based on the recorded traditional use of herbs in general and should not be viewed as therapeutic claims for the herbal teas, extracts, and blends on offer. We provide this information for educational purpose to our customers and fans of herbal and natural medicine because we believe it is important to stay connected to our roots and maintain and spread the human knowledge accumulated over centuries of traditional healing. Our herbal blends are custom made in accordance with your needs and not tested for efficacy or listed on the register of therapeutic goods.
We must ensure the safe and appropriate use of our products and may ask for additional information prior to making up your product. Please rest assure that we respect your privacy and that your information will not be shared.
Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.