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$315.00 / unit(s)

Dr Hulda Clark's K-100 Zapper (has to be pre- ordered, call us before ordering)

This device is a frequency generator which creates a positive wave formation.

Based on Dr Clark's theory that a positive voltage applied anywhere on the body attracts negatively charged bacteria, flukes, roundworms, mites, viruses and fungi.

Features: Factory calibrated to 32 KHz of frequency. Safe & user friendly with easy to follow instructions. Velcro wrist bands, and special silicon-graphite-rubber electrodes. (No paper towels needed). Automatic electrode control will sound a warning signal if not fitted correctly. LED timer (7-20-7-20-7). 7 minutes on, 20 minutes off for three continuous sessions. Choice of continuous mode, LED indicator, plus a reminder to renew the 9 Volt battery. Warning beep will sound when contact is broken or insufficient. Belt clip and carry case.

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