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Newton's Pharmacy  - Your One Stop Source for Homeopathic and Traditional Medicines

The practitioners at Newton's pharmacy are open minded and believe in using both allopathic and alternative and traditional medicine for maximum benefits. We offer customers a choice of an integrative, holistic method to supplement standard medical treatment and mitigate the side effects of drugs that may interfere with patient compliance or adherence to treatment. 

We believe in evidence-based science and in there is plenty of evidence about the memory of water and the potential of vibrational medicine. 

Please visit the store or call us to find out about availability or to place mail orders. Please note that not all available homeopathic remedies are listed online. Higher than 1M potencies are available by special orders. To find out more, please contact us.




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1 - 10 of 672 results
12 Tissue Salts
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
ABC Homeopathic Remedy
From $30.95 / bottle(s) *
Abies Canadensis
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
Acidum Aceticum
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
Acidum Benzoicum
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
Acidum Butyricum
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
Acidum Carbolicum
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
Osteoarthritic Synovial Fluid
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
From $11.95 / bottle(s) *
1 - 10 of 672 results