Basil oil is energizing for the mind and body, it is stimulating and helps clear the mind and focus. Basil oil is considered anti-bacterial and anti-viral, it acts as an expectorant and helps clear mucus and cararrh in nasal and respiratory congestion. Basil oil relieves nausea, some headaches, and motion sickness, improves digestion, helps to relieve constipation, respiratory problems, and diabetes. 

$29.23 / bottle(s) *

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Inulin is a natural fiber supplement used as prebiotic and to reduce the percentage of visceral fat.

Inulin is also a water soluble fiber used as a prebiotic for the maintenance of healthy bacteria and regular functions of the intestines, for aiding slimming, to reduce the percentage of visceral fat, and with benefit in diabetes. 

From $11.20 / pack(s) *