Ethical Nutrients Mood Re-Neu for positive mood and emotional balance with Safron and Tumric.

$48.60 / unit(s) *

In stock


Vitamin D3 plays an intrinsic role in calcium metabolism, the immune and nervous systems, and bone, heart and kidney health.

$36.95 / unit(s) *

In stock


High Strength Vitamin D3 (pharmaceutical grade Cholecalciferol) made in accordance with your prescription.



emotiv® has been shown to assist in the relief of nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety.1 Remotiv contains a specific extract of St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) that has been evaluated in a number of clinical trials. 

$50.80 / bottle(s) *

In stock

St John's wort, Hypericum perforatum, aerial buds and leaf extract 1:1

Available to practitioners, on prescription or following consultation.Please contact the pharmacy for more information.

From $25.90 / unit(s) *

In stock

Dried Organic Flowers of St. John's Wort, Hypericum perforatum, from Hungary

From $13.00 / pack(s) *

In stock

Description: Dried leaves and stems of organically grown Brahmi or Indian pennywort, Bacopa monnieri




From $14.00 / pack(s) *

1:1 Fluid Extract of Bacopa monnieri in Ethanol and Purified Water

From $25.90 / bottle(s) *

Brahmi Tone 60t

In stock