Greater Celandine Organic

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From $12.00 / pack(s)
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Botanical Name: Chelidonium majus, Greater celandine. The Celandine plant originates from North America.

Traditional Use: A liver and gallbladder remedy and digestive bitter, used for jaundice and liver cleanse. The German Commission E describes its use to treat "spastic discomfort of the bile ducts and gastrointestinal tract"

Traditionally, the sap of greater celandine is used topically to remove warts. In Homeopathy, Greater celandine's use as a liver remedy covers many of the symptoms of that organ. 

Traditionally, Celandine tea is also known to be used traditionally as an eye wash to help remove specks from the cornea of the eye and clear the vision.

Warnings:  Celandine contains potent alkaloids and may be toxic if taken in large doses. We strongly recommend that this herb is used as a traditional medicine only under the supervision of suitably qualified health practitioner. 

Disclaimer: The above information comes from official reference and is intended to serve for educational purpose only.


Selection: Greater Celandine Organic

Product no. size Price
CELANDINE, Chelidonium majus, Dried, Organic Tea-0003 70g $12.00 / pack(s) *
CELANDINE, Chelidonium majus, Dried, Organic Tea-0002 1kg $75.00 / pack(s) *


Product Note Price
Thuja & Chelidonium Co Cream Thuja & Chelidonium Co Cream
$19.60 / unit(s) *
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