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A&B Mixture

From $18.64 / bottle(s)
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Description: This is Newtons original Asthma and Bronchitis Formula. A blend of herbal extracts, traditionally used in herbal medicine to maintain the airways open, reduce inflammation of the bronchial lining, and ease the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. This is a traditional, made by request frormula, loved by our customers for the last 50 years. This formulation is based on traditional knowledge and free of drugs, artificial flavours, preservatives, sweeteners, or other additives. 

Herbal extracts may interact with other therapeutic substances and as a general rule are not recommended for use by children, in pregnancy and lactation, and if you are on certain prescription medications. Please contact the pharmacy if you would like to confirm if it is suitable for you.

Ingredients: Fluid extracts of Adhatoda, Elecampane, Hawthorn, Grindelia, Licorice and White horehound, with Potassium Iodide, and Menthol, in a base of water and ethanol. These herbs are known to contain ingredients with soothing and anti-inflammatory action on the bronchial tissues (elecampane, licorice, white horehound) as well as muscle relaxing properties (grindelia) helping to keep the airways open, and reduce the mucus and the symptoms of wheezing and coughing. These benefits are further supported by the anti-catarrhal effect of potassium iodide and airway clearing properties of menthol, as well as the antimicrobial properties of some of the above herbs. For more information regarding the above herbsand clinical research, click here.

Recommended Dose: Two teaspoonsful (10 ml) three times a day.

Warnings and Safety:  This mixture is safe to use with asthma inhalers and other prescription meds for asthma.

Do not take if suffering from other conditions or taking other prescription drugs(blood thinners in particular) , without checking with a pharmacist or a doctor that this mixture is appropriate for you. 

Feel free to call us for further advice or arrange for consultation.

Disclaimer: The statements provided on this website are based on the recorded traditional use of herbs in general and should not be viewed as therapeutic claims for the herbal teas, extracts, and blends on offer. We provide this information for educational purpose to our customers and fans of herbal and natural medicine because we believe it is important to stay connected to our roots and maintain and spread the human knowledge accumulated over centuries of traditional healing. Our herbal blends are custom made in accordance with your needs and not tested for efficacy or listed on the register of therapeutic goods.

We must ensure the safe and appropriate use of our products and may ask for additional information prior to making up your product. Please rest assure that we respect your privacy and that your information will not be shared.

Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.


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