
Nxgen Bone Broth Protein Powder

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Nxgen Bone Broth Protein Powder (250g)

Bone Broth Protein -  Australian Grass Fed Beef Bone Broth Protein Powder.


Here are the components in a traditionally made gut healing bone broth. 


  1. Glycine - a healing amino acid found in bone broth that specifically helps to heal your gut. 
  2. Gelatin - a cooked version of collagen that assists in digestion and absorption of food. 
  3. Glutamine - an amino acid that acts as a fuel source for your gut and intestinal cells (1).
  4. Proline - an amino acid that helps heal wounds to promote gut health (2). 
  5. Hydroxyproline - a non-essential amino acid found in bone broth that promotes gut health.
  6. Collagen - nourishes your intestinal walls and decreases gut inflammation. 
  7. Electrolytes - to hydrate your gut and whole body. 


Bone broth for Gut Health: Is it Glycine or the Bones?

Bone broth made from a traditional recipe is full of glycine. Glycine is a unique amino acid because of it’s gut healing properties. 

Glycine is one of the most potent anti-inflammatories for your gut health: including your stomach and intestines (3).


Why are anti-inflammatories important for gut health? 

Inflammation occurs in our guts when tiny food particles work their way outside of your digestive system into our bloodstream. 

Food should not get outside your digestive system. It literally seeps through your gut into the rest of your body. 


This kicks off an inflammatory ruckus in our bodies, causing long-term health issues like Crohn's ,IBD or ulcerative colitis. 

Gelatinous bone broth is made up of approximately 1/3rd glycine. 

Glycine fights inflammation by building new connective tissue in our gut. This new tissue ensures that no foreign toxins or food particles can leak through our gut.

Glycine is so potent that doctors are using it to manage Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis and IBD (4).


Most of the gut healing protein in bone broth is due to gelatin. Gelatin is a type of protein that is similar to collagen.

For all intents and purposes, gelatin and collagen have the same health benefits. Why? Because gelatin and collagen share an identical amino acid profile. 

Meaning, they both have glycine (great for gut health), proline, glucosamine and glutamine in identical amounts.


Glutamine for Gut Health

Glutamine doesn’t get a ton of attention from bone broth enthusiasts. But it should. Glutamine is an important component in bone broth for gut health. The cells in your gut rely on glutamine as a primary fuel source. 

Specifically, the villi in your gut need glutamine to prevent bacteria from entering the small intestine. 


Proline’s Role in Healing Your Gut Lining 

Proline is a fascinating amino acid. It helps form new collagen, regenerates cartilage, repairs wounds and skin damage, repairs joints and heals your gut lining.

For the sake of an article on gut health, let’s stick to the gut healing properties of proline. 

Proline helps to strengthen the tissues in your gut. This helps you absorb nutrients and prevents autoimmune responses to food. 

Proline specifically helps maintain the integrity of the cells in your small and large intestine. 

Proline in bone broth protects your health by:


  • Reducing inflammatory cytokines in your gut 
  • Growing beneficial gut bacteria (9)
  • Improving T-lymphocyte numbers
  • Regulating secretion of IgA cells (10)



Hydration and Your Digestive System

Being hydrated with a good balance of naturally occurring electrolytes is also necessary for your gut health. 

Poor gut health is a risk factor for low electrolyte levels and low electrolyte levels stop your stomach acid from killing bad bacteria (5). 


Bone broth is the ultimate whole food source of electrolytes for the health of your gut.

What’s the most healing bone broth for gut health?

Beef bone broth is the best bone broth gut health provided that you are drinking real bone broth from a traditional recipe.

Your beef bone broth must have at least 8 grams of protein per 250ml serving to have gut healing benefits.

Beef Bone Broth has more glycine than chicken bone broth because of the type III collagen in beef bone broth.

Glycine fights gut inflammation by rebuilding the connective tissue that lines your gut. 


Bone broth is a traditional ancient soup made by boiling animal bones in water. Our bone broth powder is made with certified organic and grass fed, meat bones with bone-marrow from Lake Eyre cattle having grazed on native grasses.   The freeze drying and dehydration and powdering of the bone broth results in a concentrated, super-nutritious and collagen-rich powder with a fine texture.

It is very versatile, easy to use and appropriate for modern times. Of course with the authentic nutritional value of homemade bone broth. What used to be standard and normal food is now trending and popular. This after being forgotten for years. Find out why we think taking collagen-rich bone broth every day is essential and why quality matters.


Using the finest grass fed and grass finished beef cattle, free of antibiotics, no added hormones, no chemicals.


Nourishing broths are a traditional comfort food that have deservingly enjoyed a revival as a new generation celebrate whole food and slow cooking. Freeze dried Bone Broth Protein is a wonderful addition to your daily diet and a convenient way to enjoy delicious natural broths that nourish the soul, without the hours of preparation.


Made from selected Beef Marrow Bones that are slowly simmered under vacuum at less than 70C, in filtered water with Murray River Salt and Apple Cider Vinegar to help release the nutrients, for more than 48 hours to release the minerals, marrow and nutrients from the bones. Following liquid extraction, the broth is gently freeze dried at a low temperature to remove the water and retain all the natural nutrients, for a delicious, easy to use organic bone broth collagen powder. Heavy metals testing is undertaken for quality control measures to ensure the soil and food source is uncompromised.


This Australian made Bone Broth Protein is a delicious, easy way to make quick, healthy broth bowls. It is free of hormones, pesticides, glyphosate, chemicals, is GMO-free and contains no additives, no fillers, artificial flavours or preservatives. Great as a full-flavoured base for hearty soups, hotpots and savoury recipes.


Use as a hot beverage before bed for a better night sleep better or add to smoothies prior to or after exercise for a nutritious, energising, gut healing drink.  Dissolve the Bone Broth Protein in boiling water by stirring with a teaspoon and drink or add the golden liquid into the smoothie and enjoy one of the most amazing, refreshing beverages.


Practitioners prescribe Bone Broth Protein to their patients suffering from inflammatory conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, gluten intolerance and leaky gut syndrome along with people with digestive disorders who may have trouble digesting supplements or other certain foods, NXGEN Bone Broth Protein can help with insomnia and poor sleep, its medicinal properties relax the mind and body.  Bone Broth Protein provides nutrition for rebuilding damaged tissues and intestinal lining. The amino acids contained within provide immune-boosting capabilities that contribute to accelerating the healing process for people trying to overcome these conditions.




  • Contains glycine, proline and hydroxyproline
  • Paleo and Keto-friendly: 0 grams of sugar
  • Free from dairy and vegetable proteins
  • Contains collage types I, II, III, IV and V
  • Contains glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid
  • >95% protein per dose
  • 100% Australian Made Bone Broth
  • From grass-fed pasture cattle


Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I use as a collagen supplement and it okay if I heat it up in water and possibly even boil it? I plan on drinking it but may add it to recipes. I want to make sure I am not removing any of the nutrients or collagen by boiling it or heating it.

Bone Broth Protein is excellent as a collagen supplement for adding to hot drinks and adding to heated meals. This beef bone broth protein doesn’t break down and the nutrients aren’t affected by boiling or by heat. Recall that bone broth is extracted by simmering in purified water so is heat stable.

Heating and boiling Bone Broth Protein powder is perfectly okay, and won’t destroy any of the nutrients.  The protein contained in the powder will be synthesised in the gut and some of the amino acids will help heal the gut lining and other amino acids pass through the semi permeable gut wall and enter the bloodstream for nourishing hair, skin, nail, bone, tendons, muscle, and other connective tissue.


How to Use:

Due to the moisture sensitivity of this powder always use a dry spoon when removing from the airtight container. For a quick cup of organic broth stir 1 teaspoon of grass fed bone broth powder into 1 cup of boiling water, adding a few chopped herbs or grated ginger if desired.


To make a bowl of soup allow 3 teaspoons of powder to 300ml of water per person. Create nourishing broth bowls by adding your choice of chopped vegetables, fresh herbs and noodles. A great way to use left-over roasts. Simply shred meat into the broth and serve with crusty bread, or poured over mashed spuds, sweet potato and parsnip for a hearty meal.


Dumplings are delectable served in bone broth, or use it as a stock for lamb shanks. This broth powder makes a wonderful base for warming soups, casseroles, hotpots and sauces.



Grass-Fed Beef Bone Broth Powder (Beef Bones, Filtered Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Australian Murray River Salt).



No Allergens. 



Moisture Sensitive. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.


Shelf Life:

Up to 36 months from manufacture. 

Why Try Bone Broth?


  1. Like all your other living and dynamic tissues, your body's own collagen needs input from the environment and nutrition to function and maintain optimum quality.
  2. From your mid twenties, your body's ability to produce collagen begins to decline. It is then about 25% less than when you were younger. When you reach the age of 60, it is about 50% less.
  3. Collagen is rich in the amino acid glycine. It therefore balances the intake of muscle meat from an amino acid perspective. Muscle meat is rich in the amino acid L-methionine. The balance between these two amino acids is an important health factor.


What is the difference between bone broth and collagen?

Compared to collagen hydrolysate supplements, high-quality bone broth powder provides a broader spectrum of nutrients.

Among other things, it contains more different types of collagen. Collagen type I is the predominant form in our bone broth but collagen types II, III, IV and V are also present. In addition to collagen, hyaluronic acid and other natural glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as glucosamine and chondroitin are present in bone broth. This makes bone broth a more complex and richer product than collagen hydrolysate. Our bone broth mixes easily with liquids and has a mild, savoury flavour. 


  • Collagen hydrolysate contains only type I & III collagen, whereas gelatine in bone broth consists of several types of collagen (collagen types II, III, IV and V).
  • Bone broth contains more nutrients, such as essential minerals, fats and special carbohydrates (glycosaminoglycans, also known as GAGs).
  • So although gelatine in bone broth is richer, both forms contain essential amino acids that are easily absorbed and have different properties. 


Do you test for heavy metal?

Quality control and product safety are very important to us. We test and screen regularly for heavy metals using third party laboratories. Typical values below.


  • Arsenic (As) less than 0.10 mg/kg = less than 0.1 PPM
  • Cadmium (Cd) less than 0.01 mg/kg = less than 0.01 PPM
  • Lead (Pb) less than 0.05 PPM
  • Mercury (Hg) less than 0.005 mg / kg less than 0.005 PPM



What is Freeze Drying?

“Another term for freeze-drying is sublimation. It is the shifting of a solid directly into a gas. Freeze drying is a slow process that preserves nutrients, enzymes, and protein structures while making the food shelf stable, so it does not require refrigeration.  ‘Freeze drying does not involve cooking, it requires only two stages: solid and vapour. This means that only the water is removed, so all of the flavour and nutrients remain locked inside. Freeze drying uses extremely low temperatures (-50C) and special pressurised chambers, our 18 hour freeze-drying process converts the frozen water in our ingredients directly into vapour, without creating any liquid. That means ONLY water is removed from the food, leaving all of the goodness in the food.’ Freeze-dried food is nutritionally equal to raw food, except for the lack of moisture.” It also results in a product that can be more finely ground to increase absorption and bioavailability, requiring less digestion.


Why is Freeze Drying Technology Important to Retain the Same Nutrients as the Raw Material?

“Freeze-dried foods have some high quality characteristic compared to products of alternative drying process … Drying removes the moisture from the food so bacteria, yeast and mould cannot grow and spoil the food, so can extend the shelf life. Drying also slows down the action of enzymes, but does not inactivate them.  “Freeze drying can best preserve food, to retain heat sensitive peptides, vitamins and minerals, along with freshness, colour, aroma, and taste. Freeze drying is conducted under the conditions of low temperature and low vacuum so oxidation isn't part of the process.  This means food colour, aroma, taste and nutrition loss is minimum. Freeze-drying doesn't damage protein in meat, fat soluble vitamins Vitamin A, Vitamin D, etc have no loss”. “Freeze dried foods retain nearly 100% of the health benefits of the original food product. Active enzymes, nutrients, antioxidants, amino acids, and more remain “locked in”. When frozen, vital molecules remain in place and so the overall integrity of the nutritional composition remains intact. The freeze dried food is still considered a “raw food” that remains vibrant and alive in a dormant state just waiting for moisture to reactivate”.




Is this Bone Broth from Organic Farms?

Yes, NXGEN source material from farms that exceeds the Australian Organic Standard, from Grass Fed Pasture Raised Farms.  No material from Feedlot Cattle is used in NXGEN ingredients.  All the ingredients selected for use in NXGEN product must first and foremost be from 100% Grass Fed and Grass Finished Cattle, grown on regenerative farms, free of pesticides, antibiotics, herbicides, drenches and other chemicals.


Have the cattle been injected with mRNA vaccines?

No, the cattle haven't been injected with vaccines.  The farmers protect their cattle herds by attending to the environment and ecosystem in a responsible manner, strict biosecurity measures are taken to ensure visitors do not carry diseases on to the farms.  





Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) or Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Product information and statements made are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease.









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