Lycopodium Clavatum

From $11.95 / bottle(s)
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Lycopodium Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic Tinctures and Pellets (medicated sucrose globules) of Club Moss, Lycopodium Clavatum (Polygonium Clavatum), in a range of potencies, prepared by the principles of manual dilutions and succussion of classical homeopathy. 

Homeopathic medicines provoke the safest natural stimulation of the defence systems of the body and have no contraindications, adverse drug reactions and carry no risk of drug interactions.

All Newton's homeopathic products are made from pharmaceutical grade raw materials, including pure ethanol and sugar globules (size 50), and are true to name and potency.

Recommended Dose: For indications and dosage, please refer to your homeopathic practitioner or Materia Medica.


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