Customer ratings for FISHERS PHOSPHERINE

$24.09 / bottle(s)

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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 5
Very good
from Nan on 13/12/2023
I used this product many years ago, and only recently found a store, really helps
from Deborah on 21/04/2023
Mum has used it for years
from John M on 4/07/2022
Fishers Phospherine has been part of my wife's families lives for over 100 years. It is a useful nerve tonic and calmative. I am so pleased that Newtons took up manufacture of Fishers Phospherine when original supplies dried up.
Highly recommend
from June on 1/01/2022
I've used it for many years, as a nerve tonic, and to help me to get back to sleep when having trouble with that during the night. I was very happy to find it at Newtons, after not being able to source it elsewhere.
from Rebekah on 5/01/2021
My grandmother used it.and gave it to me aas a nerve tonic.I have been trying to obtain it for quite some time