Description: Cut, dried, organic root of Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa, Actaea racemosa) for preparation of traditional tea or decoction.
Common Names: Black cohosh, squawroot, black snakeroot, bug-bane, rattletop, richweed
Traditional Use: Black cohosh is classified as a cool, dry herb with pungent, bitter and sweet qualities.Traditionally, black cohosh was used by Indigenous North American tribes as a remedy for menstrual irregularities, menopausal symptoms, malaria, sore throat and malaise. In Europe, Black cohosh is highly praised for bringing symptoms' relief in menopause and pre-menstrual tension. Black cohosh has also been used in Korean folk medicine for pain and inflammation In modern times, black cohosh is used for the relief of menopausal symptoms including period pain,hot flashes and mood swings. In addition, the traditional use of Black cohosh indicates a significant anti-inflammatory effect which may be of benefit in arthritis and rheumatism.
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