RestoraCalm® contains Relora®, a proprietary blend of magnolia and phellodendron, to help relieve symptoms of stress. Skullcap and passionflower are traditionally used in western herbal medicine to relieve nervous tension and restlessness, relieve disturbed and restless sleep, and alleviate symptoms of mild anxiety.

$56.95 / pack(s) *

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English Flower Essences Dosage Bottle

From $15.35 / unit(s) *

In stock

Bevitone Tablets

From $25.20 / bottle(s) *

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Calm Tablets includes ingredients such as Passionflower and Zinc which are traditionally used in homeopathic medicine to help relieve stress and mild anxiety.

$30.50 / unit(s) *

In stock

Calm Oral Spray includes ingredients such as Passionflower and Zinc which are traditionally used in homeopathic medicine to help relieve stress and mild anxiety.

$25.85 / unit(s) *

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Camerons Avenol Nerve tablets

$39.95 / bottle(s) *

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ReDormin® has been shown to assist in the relief of sleeplessness and insomnia. ReDormin contains standardised whole plant extracts of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and Hops (Humulus lupulus), in a combination that has been demonstrated, in clinical trials, to improve sleep quality.

$45.95 / bottle(s) *

In stock

emotiv® has been shown to assist in the relief of nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety.1 Remotiv contains a specific extract of St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) that has been evaluated in a number of clinical trials. 

$50.80 / bottle(s) *

In stock