Water Violet Flower Essence 50ml

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$15.35 / unit(s)
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Description: Potentised and ready for immediate use dosage bottle of the original Water Violet Bach Flower Essence.


The person you know who needs this Bach Flower Remedy is probably someone you admire, but not someone with whom you have formed a close bond.

The negative Water Violet person is far too reserved to allow you to get that close.

Water Violet personalities present an image of superiority, capability, and calm control. They never fall apart in an unexpected situation, but can take charge, knowing just what to do. Thus they are greatly admired and their advice is often sought.

This dependence from other people leads to an emotional drain that can cause a Water Violet person to begin believing that they truly are special and thus they become prideful. Always independent in nature and comfortable with their own company, they withdraw further into their shells - where they wish not to be disturbed.

Although they will give advice when asked, they never interfere in other's concerns, and they reject all interference in their own. Even when ill, they prefer to be left to their own resources.

The phrase "Keep a stiff upper lip" applies to the Water Violet personality - they prefer to deal with their own problems. This personality trait blocks much of their energy and can lead to tension and "stiffness" in the entire body.

Water Violet people are always able to see another's point of view and recognize others' problems. Thus, while they are valued as bosses for their calm leadership style, they find it very difficult to make hard decisions regarding employees. He expects employees to follow his lead, and if they don't, he will withdraw from them rather than bring down harsh criticism.

After treatment with Bach Flower Remedies, the Water Violet personality is able to use his self-confidence and independent attitude for the good of others as well as herself. She will go through life with a quiet elegance and inner dignity that draws people toward her - and she will once again be able to respond.

In the positive state, Water Violet personalities like to be on their own, stay in the background, and let others live as they wish.

This Bach Flower Remedy is indicated for those who are having trouble connecting with others - either at home or in the workplace.

Recommended dose:   Four Drops to be taken every four hours away from food and beverage.

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