Gelsemium Semp Tincture

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From $15.00 / bottle(s)
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Keynote Summary:
Onset of illness is slow and gradual. Body aches and pains. Neuralgias, headaches

Better from: bending forward, open air, gentle and continual motion 

Worse from: change of weather, change of season, anticipation of performing, mental exertion, physical exertion, tobacco smoke, damp weather 

Useful for: Key Symptoms:
COLD Summer colds, sneezing
Sense of fullness at base of nose
dull headache & fever 
Colds with constant runny noses.
FLU Coldness with chills up and down back
body aches and pains and exhaustion, neck and shoulder muscles are sore.
Sleepless, but very fatigued, weary, eyelids, head, limbs feel heavy 
Great trembling & weakness of all limbs, 
Muscles feel bruised
Dull, heavy backache
Tiredness of whole body with least exertion
HEADACHE Heaviness & sensation of band around head
Pain at back of head, radiating towards forehead, neuralgia, migraine, headaches due to spinal misalignment
Muscular soreness of neck and shoulders
Scalp sore to touch
Relieved by copious urination
Headache with bursting sensation in forehead and eyeballs or sensation of band around head
Extreme heaviness of eyelids
MENTAL Apprenhension 
Stage fright, nervous and worry over performing, etc.
Excess worry over going to doctor or dentist
Anticipation with weakness, trembling, fuzzy thinking, diarrhea
NEURALGIA Nerve pain, migraine, vertigo, headache pain due to spinal misalignments
SORE THROAT Difficult swallowing, especially of warm food
Red, swollen tonsils
Pain shoots into ears, especially on swallowing
Burning & rough feeling in throat
Sensation of lump that cannot be swallowed
VERTIGO With blurring of vision
Head feels large and light
Sensation of falling, walking as if intoxicated


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